Monday, September 23, 2019

Download Xiaomi Yi Ant

Bantu aja dikit. setau ane xiaomi small ant yang masuk indonesia itu versi china semua rata2. jadi kita gk bisa pakai ui home yg di play store. jadi harus download yi home yg di manualny aja. habis download dia akan nyuruh update firmware ama yi homenya. oh iya kalau sd cardnya pakai yg udh class 10. sekian dari ane moga berguna.. Xiaomi yi ants camera hack. contribute to fritz-smh/yi-hack development by creating an account on github.. Yi home camera 1080p hd app for ios and android download directly get the apk install package. directly get the apk install package..

Buy 100% AuthenticNew Night Vision XIAOYI IPCam CAMERA ...

Buy 100% authenticnew night vision xiaoyi ipcam camera

Xiaomi yi ant yang saya beli adalah versi night vision. beda xiaomi yi ant night vision dengan versi yang biasa yaitu terletak pada kemampuan kamera saat situasi gelap atau sangat minim cahaya seperti saat malam.. Firmware update for xiaomi yi action camera ,xiaomi miui official forum. i found this interesting link from a chinese forum, i had no idea that we can download the firmware update manually from this website before this. it even shows a pictorial on how to do it manually. unfortunately i do not understand chinese so it is not the best. Hi cazpian, this is a great detailed information. i am having issues connecting my yi small ants camera though my wifi and cellphone app. the camera starts at orange colors and blinks then turn to blue light, sometime solid and blinking..

download xiaomi yi ant

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