Xperia™ companion untuk pc dan mac memungkinkan anda untuk memperbarui, memperbaiki, dan membuat rekam cadangan perangkat sony mobile xperia™ anda unduh xperia™ companion di sini. Download sony xperia companion software. Get the latest android™ update for your sony mobile xperia™ device update your xperia™ software to make sure you have the latest features skip to content shop; phones install xperia companion on your computer and use it to update and repair your xperia software – a quick and easy way to solve any performance issues.
download sony xperia companion software
The sony pc companion is the continuation of the software provided by sony ericsson before sony took over the entire mobile division it acts as a gateway between sony mobile phones such as the xperia and your windows pc. For this purpose, you can download sony xperia companion and install it on your computer. this companion software utilizes sony’s software standards to push updates directly to your smartphone. also, sony xperia companion serves as an all-in-one tool that you can utilize to backup data and sync it with your phone.. Pc companion contains xperia™ transfer, a tool for moving content from your old phone to your new xperia™ device. pc companion also offers device software updates, contacts and calendar management, and a backup and restore feature for your phone content (availability of applications depends on your phone and operator)..