How to set up verizon email in outlook. outlook is a web-based email client developed by microsoft, and it's available in two versions: microsoft outlook and outlook express. to set up your verizon email so it's functional with outlook, you'll need to add your verizon account to either microsoft outlook or outlook express.. Re: set up yahoo.verizon email account nodestination13 feb 13, 2017 4:19 pm ( in response to verizon wireless customer support ) this didn't fix the problem .. what is the ssl incoming and outgoing ports .. 995 and 465 quit working on both my devices and won't accept the manual set up.. or the set up following the link you posted above ... Verizon dumps email users - 03/21/2017 the email world was shaken on friday when verizon announced it was deactivating its 4.5 million email addresses, essentially abandoning its service..
Learn how to configure 3rd party app and software settings to send and receive aol mail. email users - read our help article for port and server settings. to send and receive aol email via a 3rd party email client, you'll need to manually configure the servers and port. Solved: i followed the directions for updating my outlook settings for the aol migration that were posted on the aol site for verizon users. it said. Customers no longer have the option to keep their email address or extract their data to another service provider. all email, calendar and address book content that was not migrated to aol or moved to a third party email provider before december 15, 2017 has been deleted from our systems..